
Winter project sees the sun.

This project is still going on. School did throw a wrench in the machine, but I will finish this eventually. The plan was to finish before 2010, but I must say once more I do not think that will happen.

I will NOT make this project a driving force. I'm going to go about my normal life and not plan a movie each week like I intended. I adore movies, don't get me wrong. The reason I don't see the Top 100 as often as I'd like is that I'm watching other movies.

I want to make this blog more informal though. Formalities never were my style, and I believe you reach more people with a casual approach.

I will do my best to keep coherent thoughts in here because I am bad to ramble in my head faster than I can type.

Stick with me kids, we're going to keep going places. Excited about watching Swing Time, I would also love to keep the ritual of watching these with my parents which is another scheduling obstacle. In the meantime, I recommend reading the graphic novel, Watchmen... then watching the movie Watchmen. you'll get more out of it, trust me.

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