
96. Do The Right Thing

" My people, my people, what can I say, say what I can. I saw it but didn't believe it, I didn't believe what I saw. Are we gonna live together, together are we gonna live?" -Mister SeƱor Love Daddy

Like Blade Runner, Do The Right Thing was meant to make people think and interpret it as you will. (As are all movie honestly, but in contrast to tight endings that give you every plot point's end in a neat little package, you have to look for your own. Let's get into the summary here...

This tells the story of separate races on one street in Brooklyn. Several SEVERAL characters with their own stories. The main races though were African Americans, Italian Americans, Latin Americans and a small branch for a Korean immigrant couple. It's set during a 24 hour day and during the hottest days of the year. 

With any movie, you know heat is going to represent a building of tension and this is just what happened. Each group had their own prejudices against others. They all had their own problems. They were real. There were bits of comedy and slices of drama. I was also overjoyed to see a younger John Turturro I must admit.

It's hard to really let you all know what I thought about without giving away the ending. I can say that I believe it ended with however you interpret it. There are two quotations at the end advocating two different sides... and I must say there's a time for each. 

If you see it, I think it all started with one accidental act and had horrific consequences for each person. I think people want to see a clear "winner" in any conflict, and I think nobody won in this film. 

Sorry it's so short, but I don't want to say too much without giving it away... and I could really use some sleep. Can't wait for the next one. =D 

See it though. See it.

Next movie: The Last Picture Show (1971)

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